Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Store Oronogo Self Storage is located at 21571 State Highway 96, Webb City, MO 64870. We own the white buildings with green roofs!

Can I visit the office?

Yes, feel free to call us for an appointment. Our on-site manager will work with you on anything you need before getting started.

What are the access hours?

Our customers can use their storage units between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM daily. Our convenient gate hours allow you to pay the occasional visit to your stored items, which is always a good idea.

How far are you from Oronogo, MO?

We are only 2 miles away, meaning you can reach us after a 5-minute drive from Oronogo. Find our self-storage facility just east of Webb City’s Truman Elementary School!

Do you offer boat and RV parking?

Yes, our outdoor spaces and indoor storage units offer large spaces to park your vehicles. Don’t hesitate to ask us for more information – we will make it easy to address all your vehicle storage needs.

Should I pick indoor or outdoor storage?

Our storage units are perfect if you want to make sure that your vehicle doesn’t age considerably due to the cold, windy Missouri winters. With outdoor storage (uncovered), your vehicle may not be protected from the elements, but it will be secure. You can also opt for a combo of indoor and outdoor storage!

How safe is your property?

Our facility is gated and equipped with a variety of lights and security cameras. We know that you won’t always be able to visit your belongings, which is why we monitor them 24/7 for you.

Can I pay my rent online?

Of course. Store Oronogo Self Storage allows all its customers to make payments and even rent extra storage units online. As long as you have access to the internet, you can hop on our website and do it from any location.

How do I get started?

Our website makes it very easy to start your next storage experience because you can rent a unit online anytime. You won’t have to worry about getting to our facility on time when all you have to do is pull out your phone to pay your rent.

Do you offer drive-up access?

We sure do. You can use our drive-up storage units to store several items, including home furniture, mattresses, etc.